less than 1 minute read

OpenAPI Specification is a good way to define and describe your API for anyone who is interested in using your apis. So, I found a couple of open source implementation options on the internet:

  1. Springfox tldr -> unmaintained
  2. Springdoc tldr -> good

After checking out springfox, it doesn’t work well with newer versions of spring boot, for example spring boot 3. Its github page has a lot of issues and the latest commit to master was 2020! Looks like its not maintained.

On the other hand, Springdoc had great documentation to start with SpringDoc and they support reactive and kotlin too.

It’s possible to have multiple api docs at once and provide a gradle task to generate your doc, albeit it’s quite quirky. Basically it boots up the app to query the configured endpoint doc and created the file for you.
